BAG stands for Big Audacious Goal. I have two BAG‘s in my life.

BAG # 1

My first BAG is to give 100,000 of my books to veterans and troops who served in Iraq and Afghanistan. We owe so much to the troops and their families for the enormous sacrifices they make for our freedom. You can help me in one of two ways: (1) you can buy and give books yourself (ask about volume discounts) or  (2) whenever someone buys a new book from me, I will give a book to the veterans and troops.

BAG # 2

My second BAG is to raise the funds to send 1,000,000 wheelchairs to people in countries around the world. Giving a wheelchair to someone who otherwise could not afford one and therefore suffer from a lack of mobility is an amazing gift. What we take for granted so often many people around the world would love to be able to do.

If you would like to help me achieve this BAG, you could donate funds. The cost of a wheelchair through this program is $150 but your donation of any size is welcome. Donations can be sent to:

The Wheelchair Foundation
The Rotary Club
653 Pitcairn Drive
Foster City, CA 94404-3744

These are my two BAG‘s, what are yours?

Everyone should have at least one BAG to dream about. Just think you might make it come true some day. If you want I can help you with your BAG, please call me at 360-588-4239.