How to be Positive

Become Positive With My 30-Day Challenge

HowtobePositive-BruceRaine.pngHere is something very concrete that you can do to change your attitude:

For the next thirty days, work on improving your attitude in one specific area of your life.

Pick just one thing that you would like to change and work on it for thirty days. Once you feel that it has been changed, pick another one and work on it.

Set a goal of improving your attitude in some way:

  1. Picture what it is now. Visualize yourself with that bad attitude in a given situation today. How do you feel at that time? How does it affect your relationships? How does it affect your interactions with other people at that time?
  2.  Picture what you want it to be like. Visualize yourself with a great attitude in that same situation. How do you feel now? How does it affect how your interactions with other people? I have given you a worksheet on the next page to help you with this process.
  3. Set a goal of changing your attitude from the old destructive attitude to the new constructive attitude. Be as specific as you can be in setting your goal and how you plan to achieve it.
  4. There are three important things that you need in order to achieve your goal.

 a) First there is FOCUS. For the next thirty days you must focus your energy on achieving that goal. Don’t dilute your efforts by trying to do too much at once. You should only work on one goal at a time.

 b) Secondly, there is ACTION. You need to spend time during the next thirty days working on achieving your goal. Make it a priority and work on it for one hour every day.

 c) Thirdly is PASSION. The stronger the emotions you experience during this process, the greater the effect. If you do it with an, “I don’t care” attitude you will have difficulty making the change. However, if you go about it with passion like it is the greatest thing in your life, then you will really feel what it is you want. We remember things best when there are strong emotions attached to the event.30DayChallengetoBecomePositve-BruceRaine.png

You may achieve your goal early and if you do congratulate yourself and then choose the next goal to work on and do the same thing again.

If it takes more than thirty days, review it and see if you have set too big a goal. Maybe it would be better to break it down into smaller goals. Or maybe you have not defined the problem or the goal in clear terms. Maybe you need to redefine the problem or the goal and go back to work on it.

Attitude Worksheet: Your Attitude Will Determine Your Destiny

Ideas that are inspired by this expression:




Goals to achieve these Ideas:




Objectives to achieve these Goals:




Action Items to achieve these Objectives:




Bruce is a motivational speaker and conducts seminars and workshops based upon the ideas in his book, “Attitude Determines Destiny”.

Contact him for your next event

**originally published 6/22/13


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