Tag Archives | Positive Affirmations


Improving Self Confidence

Confidence comes from knowing that God made us and is with us in all that we do. Spirit gives us self-confidence.

Suppose that we believe God made us perfect human beings and that God loves us and wants us to be happy more than anything else in the whole universe. Think of the self-image and self-confidence we would possess knowing that God made us and loves us no matter what we’ve ever done in our lives.

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Live for Today

I wasted many years of my life because I lived in the past. I always felt cheated because my family and my childhood weren’t happy and fun. How naive I was to think that everyone had happy childhoods except me! It took years of counseling to get over my past and to start living in the present.

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Change My Attitude

We need to manage our thoughts every day, every minute of every day. We need to take this action on a regular basis and not just when something is bothering us. Usually we are not aware of our attitude so managing it in advance is beneficial. But, like any management tool it works best if we do it on an ongoing basis. If we were to take time every day to develop a great attitude we would have dramatic effects within a short period of time.

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