
Attitude Determines Destiny – The Book

OrderFromAmazonYou have great potential. You have treasures hidden inside. They were there before you were born. Often they are buried under your life experiences or you simply do not know what they are. This book will help you discover and develop those treasures. This will lead to a life of peace and joy and fulfillment. Absolutely anyone can find happiness using the techniques described in this book.

Bruce shows you what he has learned through years of personal growth. He believes that anyone is capable of improving their life. There are simple choices which can be made to change your attitude in every situation. The greatest thing about our attitude is that we get to choose it every day. If you don’t like your current situation then simply choose a different attitude and the world around you will seem to magically change and be more accommodating.

Help Me Achieve My Big Audacious Dream!
BuyBulkBooksMy biggest dream is to have a copy of my book given to every Veteran returning from Iraq and Afghanistan. In 2012 I gave approximately 300 books away to organizations supporting the Veterans.

But I need your help. I cannot afford to do this alone. Please order books and donate them to charities supporting the Veterans. If you would like to order a larger quantity please contact me at 360-588-4239 for quantity discounts or a special edition. You can have a special cover showing your company’s name and logo or have someone in your company write the foreword of the special edition.

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Attitude Determines Your Destiny – Book 2

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